Turtle In Paradise by Kaia
Turtle in paradise was a really good book,
written by Jennifer Holm. She wrote a book
about a girl named "Turtle"(yes I know it's
a weird name). Turtle is named for her
hard shell and soft underbelly like a
turtle's. But she doesn't let her name
make her the butt of the joke. When she has
to move to Key West she doesn't complain
or cry. I admire Turtle's courage a lot during
this book when she has to go through a lot
of different circumstances. She stays
calm and carries on as they say.
So, we had a book club.
These are pictures of the cut-up that appears in this book!
A cut-up is a whole bunch of different foods cut up together.
There's avacados,onions,papaya, just to name a few.
We did this book club in April but I just wanted to do
a review on it cause this was a really good book that
if you haven't read it already should totally read. Oh and if you
loved this book like I did there's a sequel "Full of Beans."