Here is how it works:
The Book Throwdown
occurs each December of book club
These 15-18 books will be narrowed down to just
10 books for the coming year. (We take July off and do a movie in December.)
Each person (6 people if you have 3 mother/daughter pairs like we do) gets 25 flat marbles (we use the kind you put in floral arrangements).
Lists are handed out with the titles so you can take notes on the books as you go.
After each book is pitched by the person who brought it (1 minute pitch maximum, use a timer!), lay the books all out on a table, and everyone will...
Vote by marbles!
You can use your 25 marbles to vote-- but NO book can get more than 5 marbles.
The 10 books with the most marbles will be your 10 books for the new year.
(We take a break in July and choose a movie for December.)
We then assign the books to a month-- it can be random or you can go in order of most marbles to least, alphabetical, longest book for summer, etc.
OPTIONAL: You can let the daughters take 1 book off the table after the pitches if they collectively do not want it-- no more than ONE can be thrown out of the mix. (As the moms, we meet ahead of time to narrow down to 18 final books and try to get a good mix of books.)
Video of the voting:
Would you like a 6 page PDF of all the tools and papers you'll need to run your own Book Throwdown? Click here.
Notes: How do we choose the books we bring? Sometimes the daughters have read something they loved and want to read it in book club setting, mostly the moms look for good books about issues they want to explore. Google and Goodreads are good friends here! Check out our complete list of books we've read in our book club and the ages the daughters were when we read them.
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