Jacqueline, named after her father Jack, was born in Ohio, in 1963 as the youngest of three children. She was born during the Civil Rights Movement and soon after to Jacqueline’s birth and the birth of her sister Odella, her Mama lost her brother, Odell. Mama and Jack fight often, eventually causing Mama to move to the home of her parents, bringing her three kids with her. Jaqueline grows up in Greenville, North Carolina and learns the importance of family and of her education. Writing poems along the way, Jaqueline decides that she wants to be a writer and soon even her teacher notices her writing! Can you guess where that got her? Exactly! The author of this book, and a well known author altogether!
I would give this book 5 out of 5 stars because I think that Jaqueline Woodson did a fantastic job writing a book in verse which I can assume would be pretty hard. Everyone really liked this book and I loved the parts that left me wondering. I hope you like and enjoy the book too!
I would give this book 5 out of 5 stars because I think that Jaqueline Woodson did a fantastic job writing a book in verse which I can assume would be pretty hard. Everyone really liked this book and I loved the parts that left me wondering. I hope you like and enjoy the book too!